A New Look For My Little Girl

Sarais new look.jpgBeing an Ima of two girls, I believe every Ima's desire, is for their daughters or sons to look nice. It is even more special, when it is something that you made with your hands, your style, fabric, and your design. And that's what I will share with you in this brief article. I am one that takes delight in sewing. In these photos you will see a design, that I did for my daughter. What made it unique, is that I had a small piece of printed fabric that I had, and I really didn't have any use for it, because it was so small of a piece, and I couldn't bring myself to just do away with it so, during the process of time working on my daughter's jumper, I decided to work that scrap of fabric in, then I said no, then I twisted and turned the fabric this way and that way, and so on and on, and finally had an idea of what I could do, so that's what I did. As I began sewing it  I began liking it more and more, the closer I came to finishing the jumper. Finally I finished it, and decided to make her a hat to match it since I still had a small piece of printed fabric left, so that's what I did! To make this outfit, it took about 11/2 hrs. thats with stopping in between to attend to other necessities, but I enjoyed myself through the whole process, and with YHWH's will, I will be doing more soon!!!

Shalom, shalom

Sister La'Quiela HorneNew Look.jpg