The Sisterhood Fellowship Time Together

On June 29th at 5:00 p.m. the Sisterhood in YAHSHUA had another exciting fellowship timeCoolroom Fellowship 30.JPG together. We had refreshments hosted by Sister Ebony, and Sister La'Quiela.

The refreshments consisted of a fruit smoothie made of strawberries, peaches,and bananas. The strawberriesand peaches came from our own garden. Todah YAHWEH!!!

Anyway, along with the smoothie we had coconut cake made by our precious Sister Dorthy Rainey. We also had toppings for the smoothie that consisted of: white chocolate chips, heath chips, flaked coconut, and cool whip.

 We played a scripture game and there were prizes given to the 1st- 4th place winners. Our fellowship was very nice, and gets sweeter and sweeter each timeCoolroom Fellowship 24.JPG.


Sisters in the Sisterhood