Old, But Still Pressing

Aged Mother Encourages The Old To Press On In The Faith

Although I'm old, but bold, I am still striving to reach my goal. The ship is sailing, so strive, without rebelling. Don't fret because you're old, just todah (thank) YAHWEH for YAHSHUA, and be thankful that you're told. YAHWEH will barak us in our old age, and will not cast us off nor forsake us when our strength faileth. YAHWEH is Truth, and every man a liar, so let YAHWEH arise in you.

YAHWEH is the Honour and Lifter of our hoary heads, only if it be found in the way of righteousness. My mind is made up to walk in the straight and narrow way, no matter what comes our way, YAHWEH's Ahavah, cannot be washed away. Be very sure your anchor holds, and grips the Solid Rock, in times like these.

YAHWEH is what HE says HE is, and HE gives us wisdom and understanding to know those who labor among us, to work, and not be busybodies. YAHWEH said to honour the face of the old woman, so don't be a complainer. Those that be planted in the bayet of YAHWEH, shall flourish, and we shall still bring forth fruit in Old age. We are made partakers of YAHSHUA, if we hold to the beginning of our confidence, steadfast unto the end.

Outfits 2010 134.JPGWoman of Faith,

Mother Frances