There's Strength In Obedience

Ima Frances is 68 years old. She walks twice a day and is faithful with her other duties in Tshuwah Community.

Three years ago the Preacher-man instructed Ima Frances to start walking for her health and well being. She did not question him, she obeyed and started walking the next day. In her obedience YAHWEH has baraked (blessed) her with tov health and strength. She works as faithful as some of our young sisters and she is very energetic. She makes her own clothing and keeps her home painted in the inside every two years, or as the painting mood hits her.

Because of Ima Frances obedience, her weight for the pass three years has been 134lbs. Her mind is clear and she loves Almighty YAHWEH and YAHSHUA. When we go to the garden to pick greens, she can hang with the best of them. She instructs the young daughters as she sets a pattern of tov works. Ima Frances has been with us for over 25 years, her love for the people of YAHWEH has grown much over the years and truly I can say, Ima Frances has been a mother to us all. Our little girls are always acting like Ima Frances.  When you obey the Man of YAHWEH, there are great rewards in store for you! 

Shalom & Joy,

Our Ima FrancesIMG_5317.JPG


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