Teaching Our Young Ones To Cook

Greetings to all in the Precious Mighty Name of YAHSHUA HaMessiYAH. We would like to share with you the exciting time we had with our little ones in the kitchen. The teachers and the students had hands on with preparing something sweet. Awkh Abner did a Pizza for the students and the teachers, Hadassah and Sarai did Cream Pies, Ahabah and Tsipporah did Strawberry and Lemon cakes, Yishay, Asher, and Uriyah did Rice Crispy Treats made with our own clean marshmallows homemade here at Tshuwah. As we know Scripture teaches us to train our children, and we here take delight in the training and raising our young. YAHWEH is so tov, and He has baraked us with much, so what HE has blessed us to be able to do, we want to encourage and share with our young. HALLELUYAH... Also we will be sharing pictures of our new Arrival here at Tshuwah. Our young Awkh Ethan Yahudah Miller. May YAHWEH barak all who read these articles.