Walking In Obedience

A Daughter of Tzion Must Walk In Completeness

Sisters Jean and childrenAs a daughter of Tzion you must be complete in YAHSHUA, by obeying all the Torah. According to the Torah, YAHWEH says, I will bless them that keep MY statues and love them that love ME with all their heart. YAHWEH has always had men to lead and guide HIS elect ones. Mosheh led the children of Yisrael out of Egypt, and whenever Mosheh went to talk with YAHWEH, the people would rise up and willfully sin. When you search the Torah from the beginning to the end, YAHWEH always had a man to guide HIS people. YAHWEH always bless those who strives to please HIM and takes great delight in obeying the commandments of the ABBA.

In this hour YAHWEH is looking for discipline ones, who are willing to abandon their way and follow YAHSHUA , our example. To ahava ( love) HIM with all your being. I Corinthians II:I  Be you followers of Paul, even as Paul follows YAHSHUA.

As I walk in obedience, laying aside those things that are not like YAHSHUA, my life has changed drastically. It is no more my will, but the will of YAHSHUA HA MESSIYAH living in me.

I am happy and I rejoice each day, for the hand of YAHWEH keeps and strengthens me. HE has brought me to this place, where I can live and truly be at shalom and complete in HIM. The pattern has been set and the Torah tells us in Proverbs 31: 1-31 what a true woman of faith is and how she is known. I have learned over the years that my actions speaks louder than words. I have many daughters here at Victory and I practice daily the will of YAHWEH, by obeying the man of YAHWEH that is set over us. My soul is being fed by Torah Truth in this place, it has made me free and keeps me free to do the will of the ABBA. I am an example wherever I go, to express the power of obedience unto YAHWEH.

Shalom, shalom,

Sister Roberts


Posted by Tina on
Does faith in Him bring healing? You bet! Does faith in Him bring life? You bet. Here is a side many do not touch on. Faith in Him will maeinfst His image in us as well! For example, I am healed because He is healed. He is life, I have life in Him. Because He loves, I love. Love fulfills the law, it does not make the law void. We all miss the mark from time to time, but we should never shoot for the gutter. To believe in Him is to believe in His power. Have gave us the power over sin or a lower way of thinking just like He gave us power over every other work from the enemy. We cannot just forget the other scriptures that are in red letters. His works gave me power over ALL the works of the enemy; He is my example as well as my savior!
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